Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Saline Hornets! Round 2!

Our move to Saline is June 1.  On one hand I'm still a bit sad to leave Ann Arbor.  Even though Saline is only 15 minutes away it's not the same.  But as we've learned, life changes and you have to roll with it. The moving van is lined up, the utilities have been switched over, and today Todd and I took Grant and Gabby to tour their new schools.

Saline is a very different city than when I moved away. I have yet to decide if it's better or not. It's bigger -- that's for sure! What was the high school (where I went) is now the middle school. The new high school is this very large and fancy brick and glass building that is quite impressive. All the old elementary schools are closed and new ones have been built.  I went in today not knowing what to expect.


We stopped at Heritage Elementary first.  Heritage houses all of Saline's 4th and 5th graders. The principal gave us the tour and introduced us to many teachers and staff members. Those who we met were very engaging and pulled Gabby right in.  The school itself is quite neat and has more of a middle school than elementary feel. Everyone assured us Gabby would fit right in.  We left her there for the afternoon so she could shadow the 4th grade class. (Side note: Trish had already arranged a play date for Gabby with her co-worker's daughter, Sofia.  Sofia was in the 4th grade class that Gabby shadowed today so she already has a friend there!)  In one of the classes we visited, Trish's nephew, Owen, saw Gabby and ran up to greet her with some friends.  It felt very welcoming and Gabby had big smiles.

After we left Gabby at Heritage, we drove over to the high school with Grant.  Can I just say wow!  I mean, a building doesn't necessarily indicate how good the academics are but I think Saline High School kills it on both accounts!  We met with Grant's counselor who gave us a tour and helped us start to arrange a class schedule for the fall.  We also stopped into the athletic office and got Grant started with the cross country application process.

Todd got so excited he even stopped into the school store and bought some Saline gear.

I have good memories from when I lived in Saline.  I was worried about the kids switching schools. I'm not saying it will be a perfect transition but after today I feel much better.  I'm really just a mom who wants her kids to be happy and not anxious.  I want them to enjoy school and feel safe and secure in all that they do and are.

I appreciate Ted, Todd, and Trish and our continued pact to raise the kids together.  It's been going really well lately and I think we all have a pretty bright future as a family. All the changes over the past three years are behind us. Although we will never forget our Willy and the grief is still raw, this move is our chance at a fresh start.

Oh, and a special shout out to Grant.  He made the decision to switch to Saline on his own.  We were not going to make him.  Todd and I both told him today that he was very brave to make that decision and that we were proud of him.

Please keep us in your thoughts as we embark on this new journey.